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Sunday, September 13, 2009

New Gretna School Students- 1970

Last Thursday's Blog dealt with the Board of Education, Staff and Support Staff as featured in the 1969-70 New Gretna School Year Book. Today, we'll focus on the students who are are pictured in that Year Book.

Unfortunately, there are too many students in the Year Book to place every photo on the Blog, so I selected only photos of those students with whom I am familiar. If you would like to see a photo of a student that is not shown below, drop me a comment or an email, and I will include your requested photo(s) in a future Blog entry.

Also, should a student's name or photo trigger a school memory, let's hear from you.

Pete S

Herbert Adams
Mark Adams
George Allen
Chad Carr
James Comis
John Core
George Gross
Susan Heinrichs
Bernice Ludwig
Cathy Mulligan
Charles Mulligan
James Newbould
Donna Patterson
Ethel Steele
John Vanaman
Debra West

James Adams
Robert Conover
Gregory Cramer
Douglas Crichton
Jonathon Hilbert
William Lamson
Mary Longo
Bruce Maurer
Scott Newbold
Maureen Potter
Andrew Resch
Lawrence Rose
Carlo Teta
Cindy Wunsch

Debbie Ayres
Connie Sue Briggs
Tim Bush
Elton Carr
James Dorton
Debbie Frye
Adam Garthaus
John Garthaus
Robert Mathis
Pat Mulligan
Matt Patterson
Paul Voorhis
Vicki Wetmore
Billy Wettingfeld
Gary Zazenski
Kim Zeritt

Ricky Adams
Randy Conover
Joan Cramer
Debbie Eichinger
Arthur Figueiredo
Donna Frye
Cherie Gross
Kirk Ludwig
Corry Page
Kenny Rose
Eddie Sears
Sharon Schubert
Tina Tilley
Pat Voorhis
Debbie Wilson

Pamela Adams
Melinda Allen
D. Bourguignon
Jean Crichton
Deborah Forgach
Betty L. Fulmer
Pamela Fulmer
Mike Patterson
Donna Smith
Grace Steinhaurer
Annette Teta
Scott Tozer
Ron Voorhis
Mark Wetmore
Keith Wilson
John Wiseman
Herman Wunsch

Judy Ayres
John Allen
Leonard Cirello
Leon Fulmer
Patricia Garthaus
Edward Mulligan
Charles Sprague
Justine Tilley
Thomas Wettingfeld

Bobby Berg
Robin Bourguignon
Debbie Carr
Kim Core
Levi Horner
Jim Mulligan
Chuck Patterson
Tammy Peters
Lisa Smith
Patti Sprague
John Steinhaurer
Sandy Tozer
Becky West
Tom Wetmore


  1. Pete, I would like to Thank you for the trip down memory lane. Jim Comis

  2. wish u would show the six grade class of 1974

  3. My son somehow stumbled over this page! I was really excited to see it! I am Betty Fulmer in the 2nd grade. I remember all the people who was in my class when I went to that school. We move from NJ in 1973. I had kept up with Grace Ann for many years after that, but then time just got away and we lost contact. If you know how to get in contact with her and give her my name, which is now Betty Godwin, I am on facebook, and live in Blountstown, Florida. Thank you so much for the time that you gave to make the page! Betty Godwin

  4. yes it would be good to see the 1974 6 th grade class a lot of us were there in 1973 to 1974

  5. I don't have photos of the 6th grade Class of 1974, but I do have the 5th grade Class of 1973 which should be pretty close. Would anyone like me to post those photos.

    Pete S

  6. Really enjoyed looking at the pictures. Alot of the people from Bass River Elementary school & Southern Regional High I have found on facebook. Great remembering life before computers, facebook and cell phones. Thanks Pete. Connie Briggs Toce

  7. Hi Pete: Do you have any interest in school photos from around 1920? May be some GParents and GGParents there. Unfortunately, I do not have names except for my relatives. Let me know and I'll get them to you.
    Beverly Mathis Robinson

  8. Beverly,

    Yes, I would be interested. Perhaps, you could scan the photos and email them to me.

    Pete S

  9. Pete: I already have them scanned. I'll get them to you ASAP
    Beverly Mathis Robinson
    PS: As a giggle. I was working with my Ancestry line and found out I am my own 6th cousin. I am descended from two of Great John's grandchildren and somewhere there I get to be related to myself! ;-)

  10. Hi could you post any pictures you have of the town of New Gretna, I have a few but would love to see more....
