Sunday, September 1, 2013

Boardwalk Empire, New Gretna and the E. Kirk Loveland Connection

The new television season will be starting soon, and Boardwalk Empire will be continuing into its third season. 

It's a popular show in the New Gretna area as it deals with nearby Atlantic City around prohibition times. Many New Gretna families moved to Atlantic City to take advantage of the variety of economic opportunities that were not available in little old New Gretna, so it is not surprising that there are ties between Boardwalk Empire characters and New Gretna families.

I came across an interesting obituary for E. Kirk Loveland the other day and couldn't help thinking about Boardwalk Empire

Kirk was born in New Gretna and moved to Atlantic City where he became a successful entrepreneur. The obituary points out a Boardwalk Empire connection, if the reader is savvy enough to notice. Normally, I would point out the connection, but I thought it would be fun to see if anyone out in the Blog-O-Sphere can find it.

E. Kirk Loveland
Photo courtesy of Sara Mathis Guertler

E. Kirk Loveland tombstone
in Hillside Cemetery, New Gretna
Photo by Pete Stemmer

Tuckerton Beacon - September 3, 1936

E. Kirk Loveland's summer home on the corner of Amasa Landing
Road and Rt 9 in New Gretna where the wake was held.
Photo courtesy of Sara Mathis Guertler

Now that you've read the obituary, can you point out the connection between E. Kirk Loveland and Boardwalk Empire? If you can, let's hear from you.

Pete S