Sunday, August 25, 2013

Rescue on the Mullica

Over the years there have been many an unsung hero with New Gretna roots. Stanley Cramer is one such hero as the following January 5, 1940 Tuckerton Beacon article documents.

Ralph Maxwell

Horataio "Tater" Cramer, Stanley's father,
at the Bridge Tender's House window

Stanley Cramer, age 21, at the Mullica River
The old Iron Bridge is in the background.

Tuckerton Beacon - January 5, 1940

Stanley went on to become the owner of the Chestnut Neck Marina on the Mullica River for many years.

I'm wondering if there are any relatives or friends of either Ralph Maxwell or Stanley Cramer out in the Blog-O-Sphere. If so, I would like to hear from you. Perhaps, you can relate an old story about Ralph or Stan that you might wish to share with us.

Pete S


  1. Pete

    You might want to check with my sister Noreen. We attended Pleasantville H.S. with 2 of his children. Bev was a year behind me and I believe Dean was in her class. That was 40-some years ago.

    Glad to see you back blogging.

    John Allen
