Monday, January 12, 2009

A Time Machine Trip to New Gretna - May 24, 1951

Well, it appears that we are getting a cold snap here in New Gretna today and throughout the week. Perhaps, it's time for another trip in our Time Machine to a day when the weather is balmy. So, put on your googles and shorts and climb aboard! I've set the controls to take us back to New Gretna on May 24, 1951. I have a feeling we may see Miss Margaret and Don Maxwell's father, Curtis; and, if we're lucky, maybe catch a birthday party or two. 

Note: If you've never been on a Time Trip with us, see the Thursday, December 18, 2008 blog post and see what our Time Machine is all about. Click the following to go there -

New Gretna

By Mrs. Sara Mathis

Phone: Tuck. 6.5919





H. Shoemaker, Minister

Win. Bowen, Assistant

Sunday, May 27th


New Gretna

9:45 A. M. — Worship.

11 A. M.— Bible School.

7:30 P. M.— Evening Fellowship.

Lower Bank— 11 A. M —Bible School.

11:45 A. M.— Worship.

Green Bank11:15 A. M.—Bible School.

12 Noon—Worship.

Weekstown9:30 A. M.— Bible School.

10:15 A.M— Worship. Tuesday, May 29th the Women’s Bible Class will not meet for their weekly study due to the prepara­tions for the Memorial Day Dinner at the Lodge Hall.



On Memorial Day at the Lodge all the W. S. C. S. of the Methodist Church will prepare and hold a turkey dinner this year.

You will not want to miss this delicious dinner, price $1.50 per plate for adults and 75 cents for children under 12 years of age.

The dinner will begin promptly at 1 P. M.

After the dinner there will be a baseball game for those who wish to attend.

Friday Evening, May 25th, the M.Y.F will hold their weekly meet­ing at the Parsonage.


Memorial Sunday, May 27 

11:00 A. M.—”Your Talent—to Use or To Lose.”

7:30 P. M—”The Master of Men.”

(Since Rev. Wilson is at the General Assembly of the Church in Cincinnatti, Ohio, Mr. Robert A. Reed, Student Pastor of Tucker-ton, will conduct the services at New Gretna)

Last Tuesday, the Children’s Choir of the Presbyterian Church had a picnic at Lake Absegami. The youngsters enjoyed a hike and some games. Those attending were: Patty Cramer, Barbara Cramer, Betty Jean Mathis, Shirley Mc­Neil, Donna Allen, Eleanor Allen, Joyce Cramer, Barbara Barnes, Jackie Mathis, Billy Houck, Mrs. Harvey Buck and the Rev, and Mrs. Stan Wilson.


I wish to thank my friends for flowers, fruit and other remem­brances during my two weeks ill­ness from which I am recovering slowly.             Winfield Downs, Sr.



The New Gretna A. A. Baseball Team, sponsored by the Men’s Brotherhood of the First Presby­terian Church of New Gretna will play the Old New Gretna A. A. Team on Friday, May 25th, at 6 P. M. on Saturday May 26th at 6 P. M., they will play the Four Mile Colony Team, at New Gretna. On Memorial Day they will play the Pomona Naval Base Team at 3 o’clock, in New Gretna. All games will be played on the local school diamond. Please make an extra effort to attend these games and thus encourage the youth of our community.


  We are sorry to report that Cur­tis Maxwell is critically ill at his home on the New York Highway. Reports at this writing are encouraging and his many friends wish him a speedy recovery.

Miss Mae Shivers of Miami, Fla., is visiting Miss Margaret C. Adams, and Mr. and Mrs. James C. Post for a few weeks.

Mr. Winfield Downs, Sr., is re­covering from a severe heart at­tack which he suffered recently. He has the best wishes of his friends for his complete recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Alston Adams of Washington, D. C., were visitors with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Adams, while at­tending the convention of the Fed­eral Savings and Loan Association in Atlantic City, of which Mr. Ad­ams is an officer.

Mr. Benjamin Maxwell of Wad­ing River was rushed to the Bur­lington County Hospital, at Mount Holly where it was found neces­sary to have a blood transfusion, he is back home and able to drive his car again and seems to be re­covering nicely.

Little Bobby Roberts has re­turned home after undergoing a tonsellectomy in the Atlantic City Hospital.

Keep in mind the Memorial Day celebration in P.O.S. of A. Hall where a turkey dinner with all the fixings will be served from 1 to 3 P. M. Price $1.50, sponsored by the W. S. C. S. of the Methodist Chur­ch. A time for renewing old acquaintences and annual membership of $1 per member, every­body is welcome to join, and its for a very worthy cause, the up­keep of our cemeteries, without these membership dollars our roads leading into the cemeteries and path’s would not be passable to reach the burial plots of our loved ones. The officers and members of the New Gretna Old Home So­ciety are looking forward to hav­ing a large attendance this year, do not disappoint them.

Mr. and Mrs. George Hyatt of Marlton, were recent visitors with their niece, Mrs. Charlotte V. Paist and mother, Mrs. C. Paynter.

Mrs. Norman G. Mathis entered the Atlantic City Hospital on Tuesday of this week where she will undergo an operation.

Winfield Downs, Jr., who is in the Merchant Marine Service, spent a short time home recently from the Pacific Coast, his brother Calvin also in the Merchant Mar­ine, is at the present time in Japan.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mathis and daughters of Metuchen, N. J., were visitors with their parents, Capt. and Mrs. Joseph K. Mathis, while Mr. Mathis was attending the Federal Savings and Loan As­sociation Convention held in Atlan­tic City last week.

Mrs. Charlotte V. Paist was a Philadelphia visitor last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Felsberg and daughter of Absecon were last Sunday visitors with Mrs. Felsberg’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shropshire.

The Rev. S. R. Wilson, who was appointed one of the Commission­ers to the Presbyterian General Assembly of the U. S. A., which is held in Cincinnati, Ohio, each year, left on Sunday evening for Hightstown, N. J., where he will join others who were commissioned to attend the Assembly.

Mr. Charles Yerkes of Pember­ton was a Tuesday visitor in town.

Miss Anna Klus returned to her home in Wading River after spend­ing the winter months in Townsends Inlet.



Mrs. John R. Mathis entertained in honor of her daughter, Betty Jean, who was seven years-old on Monday, May 21st, at their home on Mathis Avenue.

Betty Jean received many gifts from friends and relatives, and a joyous time was enjoyed by all present.

Those attending were: Grand­mothers Mrs. Baird Holmes and Mrs. H. Z. Mathis; Diane Mathis, Patty Cramer, Shirley McNeil, Pat­ty Wilson, Carol Kauflin, Barbara Cramer; Mrs. Arthur Renard and son Arthur, Jr., of Manahawkin; Mrs. John R. Mathis and Betty Jean, the guest of honor.

It was a delightful afternoon and greatly enjoyed by all. Refresh­ments were served.



Mrs. Milton Kauflin entertained at a lawn party at the Kauflin home on South Maple Avenue, in honor of her daughter Carol’s fourth birthday.

The following were present: Joy­ce Cartey, and mother Helen; Carol Lee and brother Franklin Gray, and mother Mrs. Kathleen Gray; Ronnie Mathis, Billy Fulcher and mother; Louise Hickman, Alvarada and Diane Mathis and mother, Mrs. Emma Mathis; Betty Jean Mathis, Charles Clifton, Jr., Linda Ellen Clifton and mother, Mrs. Mary Clifton, Horace Somes, Jr., and mother, Mrs. Dorothea Somes of Pemberton Road; Rickey Steele, Jimmy McAnney and mother, Mrs. Reuben McAnney; Winnie Allen, Donna Post and mother, Mrs. Jas. C. Post; Diane McNeil and mother, Mrs. Linda McNeil; Patty Wilson, Jeanette Barnes and mother, Mrs. Hazel Barnes; Beverley Cramer; and Mrs. Stanton R. Wilson, Mrs. Charles Kauflin and Mrs. H. Z. Mathis, Mrs. Milton Kauflin and the honored guest, Carol Kauflin.

The afternoon was enjoyed with outdoor games after which re­freshments were served.

Carol was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts.

Transcribed from the Tuckerton Beacon - May 24, 1951

Carol Kauflin (left) and Jimmy McAnney. The future of NASCAR racing? (Photo courtesy of Margaret Cramer McAnney.)

Many of the people we met on our time travel journey are familiar to many of you out there in the blog-o-sphere. Any comments or remembrances would be appreciated, so let's hear from you.

Pete S

PS-  Here's a New Gretna Trivia Question - Of all the people we met on our trip, which one owned the New Gretna House?


  1. Miss Anna Klus was the owner of New Gretna House.

    Phyllis B

  2. True but how could you forget Walter.

  3. Hum! Now you've got me curious. Just who is Walter, and what's he got to do with the New Gretna House?

    Pete S

  4. Walter was referred to as "Anna's Man". I have no further information. Phyllis Briggs
