Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Local Man Is First New Jersey Civil War Draftee

A favorite Television show for many years is the game show Jeopardy with Alex Trebek. Contestants pick a category and then must provide a question for a answer appearing on the Jeopardy board.

Should anyone out in the Blog-O-Sphere ever appear on Jeopardy with a "New Jersey Civil War" category, I thought I would offer the following obituary which would provide the question for the following answer - "William L. Shinn from West Creek, New Jersey".

The question would be "Who was the first New Jersey man drafted in the Civil War?"

Charles Shinn was also the oldest West Creek resident in 1928 and appears to have led an interesting life. I'm sure you would agree.

Pete S


  1. I could not agree more with your post and the information you have provided. He really was an interesting person and lead a inspirational life.

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  4. Thanks for posting this. I'll add it to the family tree. He was my great-great-grandfather on my dad's mom's side.
