Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New Gretna News- January 14, 1943

It's been a while since I posted here at the Blog. Sorry about that! It's due to a combination of writer's block and computer problems. Hopefully, I'll be able to get back in the grove with weekly Blog posts.

I thought I'd take you on a trip back to New Gretna in the early part of 1943 via a clipping from the January 14, 1943 Tuckerton Beacon. It was the beginning of the year I was born and the middle of the war years. We see mention of a few New Gretna boys who served in the war. There were many young men and women from New Gretna that served in the war.

Rev. Huckaby and family - 1961

Private Harold Gerew

Win Salmons

Ruy and Marietta Allen

Delwin Downs in Clarence Mathis' store

Jack Mathis

Milton and Mildred Kauflin

I hope that the news clipping and added photos bring back some memories for some New Gretna old timers out in the Blog-O-Sphere. If so, let's hear from you.

Pete S


  1. Pete, I have missed your Blog entries and I'm so glad to see you are back in commission. :)
    I enjoyed the articles from the Tuckerton Beacon and they have jogged many memories of folks that I have known that are no longer here, but have passed on to 'glory'. "Keep on Keeping on" I love it :D

