One of the things that I enjoy about writing the Blog is finding photos and stories about people from old time New Gretna that I have heard or read about. Today, while looking through some old copies of the Tuckerton Courier newspaper, I came across a photo and story about previous owners of the old Rustic Inn which now stands, abandoned, on the north-east corner of Route 9 and North Maple Avenue.
The Rustic Inn sits, abonded, on the northeast corner
of Route 9 and North Maple Avenue.
Doug and Helen's photo leaped out at me from the front page of the December 28, 1969 edition. I had done a Blog story on December 8, 2008 on the ownership of the Rustic Inn in which Doug and Helen were mentioned. You can read that posting by clicking on the above photo of the Rustic Inn.
I had known that Doug and Helen owned and operated the Rustic Inn, but knew little else about them, so it was nice to read the story about their trip to England. I learned that they had something in common with Tom Cruise and John Travolta. Read on to find out the connection.
The connection with the Hancocks and Tom Cruise and John Travolta is Scientology. The Hancock's endeavors into Scientology shows that New Gretna was a more diverse community then is generally thought.
If anyone out in the Blog-O-Sphere remembers the Hancocks, I would appreciate hearing a story or two about them.
If anyone out in the Blog-O-Sphere remembers the Hancocks, I would appreciate hearing a story or two about them.
Pete S
Sam remembers the Hancocks having a Triumph car dealership in Tuckerton. I remember Doug reading the Wall Street Journal daily. Lora often came to our Bass River house which was close to their riverfront house.