I got the following two announcements of upcoming meetings that may be of interest to some Blog readers.
From Joe Laffer, Burlington County Historian:
Wednesday, March 21st - 7:30 PM in the Springfield Township Municipal Building, 2159 Jacksonville-Jobstown Rd., Jobstown, NJ 08041. Refreshments served. The Springfield Township's Historical Society will host a presentation by Judy Gauntt and Karen Robbins about the once thriving and fortified "Traders Island" (Burlington Island) in the Delaware River. They recently visited the Peabody Museum in Boston that has thousands of artifacts that were extracted from the island more than 100 years ago proving the site one of the earliest trading centers in North America. Their presentation will cover the 400 year period to the present.
From Troy Murphy, a Yoos Sooy descendant:
There will be an informal gathering of The Descendants of Yoos Sooy in the Meeting Room at the Atlantic County Library in Galloway Twp, NJ on September 29, 2012 from 10am to 4pm. The address is 306 East Jimmie Leeds Road - Galloway Twp NJ 08205. Please feel free to contact me at troy@btsoom.info if you want to RSVP or get more information. The purpose of this gathering is to exchange Family Tree information, fill in the blanks and put some faces to the names. You are encouraged to bring your Laptop Computers, Documentation and Family Photos. The meeting is a ways off so, if your are interested, be sure to mark your calendar!
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