Friday, September 30, 2011

New Gretna Veterans' Memorial

Earlier this week I had to stop in the Township Municipal Building. I parked my truck in front of the Veteran's Memorial that is located between the Municipal Building and the Fire House. I prefer to call it the "Veterans' Memorial" rather than the "War Memorial", which is inscribed on the monument, as the memorial honors the veterans and not the wars.

The Veterans' Memorial between the Municipal Building and Fire House

I stopped to read the names of the four servicemen who had died while serving their country in time of war and thought that it would be nice to be able to put faces with the names. 

Four local names are etched on the Veterans' Memorial.

When I got home, I looked through the photos on my computer to see if I had any of the four Bass River veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country. I was able to find photos of John Sears, Orval Gerew, and George Heun and thought I would share them with you. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo of William Ayres. Hopefully, someone out in the Blog-O-Sphere might have one to share with us.

Pete S


John H. Sears' tombstone in Miller Cemetery, New Gretna

Tuckerton Beacon - June 17, 1945


Orval Gerew's WWI Government Record Card stated that he died from anthrax.

Orval Gerew's tombstone in Hillside Cemetery, New Gretna


George Heun's WWI Government Record Card
George Heun's tombstone in Miller Cemetery, New Gretna


William Ayres' tombstone in Hillside Cemetery, New Gretna

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