Wednesday, February 2, 2011

William Bozarth Meets the Jersey Devil

I've been working with my history and genealogy buddy, Shirley Whealton, on an obituary clipping and scanning project. So far, we have clipped, scanned, and put over 6,000 obituaries, spanning the late 1890's through today, into a computer data base. As Shirley and I clipped and scanned the obituaries, mainly from old editions of the Tuckerton Beacon, we've read some pretty interesting things about the people from our area.

The other day, while scanning William Bozarth's obiituary, I noticed a reference to his being only one of a few people who have seen the Jersey Devil face to face.

Meeting the Jersey Devil "face to face" is a pretty interesting and unexpected comment in an obituary, so I thought I would share William's obituary with you.

Now, before you skeptics ot there in the Blog-O-Sphere poo-poo the idea of the Jersey Devel being real, you should read more about the Jersey Devil by clicking on the links below. Enjoy!

Pete S

PS- Is there anyone reading this who has seen or know anyone was has seen the Jersey Devil and survived? If so, let's hear from you.


  1. I'm sure there is a story, proved or unproved in just about every region. Here in Texas it is the Chupacabras. Interesting reading Pete. Thanks.
    Beverly Mathis Robinson

    1. I am a Bozarth. I am 74 and was raised in Haddonfield,NJ. Our father belonged to a gun club (Interboro Gun Club) located somewhere in Green Bank, NJ..It was a working classw club for sure. My brother and I would always enjoy those weekends in the south Jersey Pines hoping to get a glimpse of what we were told was the Jersey Devil. Now living in Pinehurst on Pinebrook.
      A lot of pines.. Yes there is a Jersey Devil and I did see him one night, out in back of the Interboro Gun Club..
