Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ronald Lewis Mathis Obituary

I got the following email requesting information on Ronald Lewis Mathis' amcestors and how they might tie in with the New Gretna-Tuckerton Mathises.

Byron Mathis is my dad's father. Can you please track the family history for me. My Dad Ronald Lewis Mathis cut off his family, and I don't know any of the Mathis Family from Tuckerton, Atlantic City and New Gretna


I don't know off hand the New Gretna-Tuckerton connection to Ronald Lewis Mathis but will do a little research. Meanwhile, perhaps someone out in the Blog-O-Sphere can help out.

Following is the 2003 obituary of Ronald L. Mathis from Toms River. I suspect the Anonymous above may be either Mark or Jeanne who were mentioned as Ronald Lewis Mathis' children in the obituary.

Pete S

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