Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Gretna - April 20, 1939

We took our first time travel trip back to visit old New Gretna in the December 18, 2008 Blog entry and have taken a few trips since then. We haven't stepped into Ye Old Time Machine in quite a while, so I thought it was time for another adventure into the past.

Today, we are travelling back to the New Gretna of April 20, 1939. If you would like to join us, put on your time travel goggles and come along. We're just about ready. We're just waiting for Jim McAnney and his buddy, Ricky "White Shoes" Steele, to jump on board.

New Gretna - April 20, 1939

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Warsitzka who have been located in New York City for many months have returned to their home on South Maple avenue for an indefinite time.

Donald Cramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pratt Cramer, celebrated the an­niversary of his 1st birthday, Monday, April 17th. He was the recipient of many nice gifts and received several beautiful cards.

Mrs. Kathryn Peers and nephews, Billy Buetner, Fred Westner, of Brook­lyn, N. Y., have returned to their home after spending the Easter va­cation at Mrs. Peers home.

Mrs. Henry Updike who entered the Atlantic City hospital Sunday after­noon for a major operation is doing very nicely and her friends wish for a speedy recovery.

Miss Helen Cramer of Tuckerton, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cramer for the week end.

Sunday callers of Mrs. Mable Cra­mer were Mr. and Mrs. E. Sager, of East Orange, Mrs. Sager's mother, Mrs. Julia Kelley and daughter Reba of Tuckerton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Cramer and son Edward Everett of Tacony, Pa., Dr. and Mrs. J. Hil­liard and Mrs. Clara Holman of Mana­hawkin.

Mrs. Lucy Allen is suffering from three fractured ribs caused by a fall while strolling through the Miller cemetery, she is improving slowly at her home on New York Road, her grandson Francis Sears also met with an accident when he mashed three of his fingers while working on a truck last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Preebs and children of Collingswood, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mathis, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Campbell and daughter Beverly Rae left for Scranton, Pa., Monday, Mrs. Campbell has been in New Gretna for three weeks.

Miss Frances Wheeler has been en­joying a week's vacation with friends in Garwood and New York City. While in Garwood she was tendered a party in honor of her 22nd birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Earle Cramer en­tertained at a dinner party Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Updike and mother Ida Vincent.

Mr. and Mrs. Larue Mizelle and family spent the week end with Mr. P. S. Mizelle in Arlington.

Mrs. Alice Mathis and sons Robert and Elvin who have been spending a vacation in Trenton have not been able to return owing to the illness of the children.

The card party which was held in the Civic Hall, Wednesday evening, by the youth of our village was a very great success financially and socially and the boys wish to thank the com­mittee in charge and all who helped to make it possible to hold the party.

Announcements were received last week of the marriage of Miss Anna Ware and Dr. H. Cory Walling, Sat­urday, April 8th at the St. Paul Pres­byterian Church in Philadelphia. They will reside in Morristown.

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Seery of Phil­adelphia returned to their home on Monday and their mother Mrs. Mabel Cramer accompanied them and will remain for a short visit.

Mr. Edgar Matlack suffered a heart attack Monday and is very ill at the home of Mrs. Lorena B. Kestler.

April 20, 1939 Tuckerton Beacon transcript

Don Cramer, who celebrated his first birthday just before our April 20, 1939 New Gretna visit stopped by my house last October 4, 2009. We had a long chat about Don's working at the Cramer Oyster House in New Gretna and running a party fishing business out of Townsend's Inlet for many years. Hopefully, I'll do a Blog entry on our conversation one of these days.

Don Cramer pulled into my driveway in his 1955 Ford.
October 4, 2009 photo by Pete Stemmer.

Don told me many stories about his childhood in New Gretna, the Cramer Oyster House, and the party boat business in Townsend's Inlet. (October 4, 2009 photo by Pete Stemmer.)
Working at the Cramer Oyster House on the Bass River in New Gretna. (l-r) Don Cramer; Arnold Pratt Cramer, Don's dad; and Harold French Cramer, Don's uncle. (Circa 1940's photo courtesy of Arnold Nathan Cramer.)

If anyone out in the Blog-O-Sphere has a relative mentioned in our trip back to April 20, 1939, let's hear from you!

Pete S


  1. Weeel, let's see. Would Mabel Cramer be my grandfather 'Boot' Mathis' second wife? And would the C. Earle Cramer be the husband of grandad's half sister? The rest will take a bit of research. ;-)
    Beverly Mathis Robinson

  2. The Helen Cramer mentioned in your trip back to 1939 is my sister, now Helen Sooy of Shrewsbury, Ma..

    Arnold Nathan Cramer

  3. This is eddie miller ,I knew Don from TI for many gmail.comyears.I took his 55 Ford to be repaired after his accident.I rowed beside Don while he swam for his swim meets.I would like to reconnect with him if possible.Contact me at
