Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Gretna Book of Lists

While in the Bass River Community Library the other evening, I came across an interesting book that I haven't looked through in a long time - The Book of Lists.

The book, a collection of lists on almost any imaginable topic, was a number one best seller some years ago. It first came out in 1977 and was so popular that it spawned a whole series of list books by the original authors up through 2005. Others copied the format and a whole genre of copycat list books found their way into the bookstores. They included The Disinformation Book of Lists, A Book of Legal Lists, and The Best Book Of Lists Ever! It seemed like people were facinated by lists of every kind.

That got me to thinking that the writing of a New Gretna Book Of Lists may be a great project to undertake here at the Blog. I remembered receiving some New Gretna related lists that Mike Allen, Ben and Elaine Allen's son, had given to me a few months ago. They would make an excellent starting point for a New Gretna list project.

Mike grew up in New Gretna in the 1950's and early 1960's, so his lists are based largely on his memory of those time periods.

Mike Allen, in 1950, in the front yard of his family's Adams Avenue home. (Photo courtesy of Ben and Elaine Allen.)

Blog readers who also lived in New Gretna along with Mike and those who had New Gretna ties during other eras could add to Mike's lists and submit additional lists of their own on a whole variety of New Gretna subjects. The lists could then be organized into a New Gretna Book Of Lists, printed, and made available to our Blog readers.

Mike provided nicknames for some of the people on his lists. Since nicknames were so popular in old time New Gretna, it would be interesting to see just how many nicknames we can come up with.

Following are the lists written by Mike Allen. Perhaps they will foster an interest in our Blog readers to send in additions to Mike's lists and/or some lists of their own. Whether or not a book develops is up to the response that is generated. It would make a great cyber community project.

Anyone who regularly reads the Blog should be able to add to the list. You can't use the fact that you may not have lived in New Gretna as an excuse.

As I receive list additions via email or through the comments section below, I will add them to Mike's lists with the name of the person submitting the addition. That way we should see the list grow.


Les Roe

Frank Archer

Floyd West




Clarence Mathis

Herbert Mathis

Peggy Mathis

Alvin McAnney

Everett Allen

Zeb Mathis

Elaine Weber Mathis (via Pete Stemmer)

James McDonald

Stephen Eichinger, Jr. (via Pete Stemmer)


Keever Allen (via John Allen)

Eugene "Booter" Mathis

Walter Mathis - Also New Gretna School Janitor

Talbert "Tabby" McAnney

Benny Allen

Pratt and Arnold Cramer - Oyster House

Dan LeMunyon

Curtis and Donald Maxwell

Ruby McAnney - owned Allen's Dock

Clarence "Buddy" Steele, Jr. - also State Highway and Gas Station

Doughty Cramer - also Shellfish Watchman

Roy Mathis - Walter's Father and Bobby's grandfather


Walter Cutts

Viola Pepper

Henry Updike


Alice Weber - Wading River

Horatio "Tatter" Cramer - Mullica River

Harvey Houck - Bass River

Russell Loveland - Bass River

Cliff Budd (via Jim McAnney)


Harold Gerew and his brothers

Charles Kauflin

Fred Shropshire

Howard Ware

George Heinrichs


Sam Briggs -Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Levi Downs - Barber & Real Estate

John Barnes - Freihoffer Bread delivery (via Pete Stemmer)


Bennie Allen (via Pete Stemmer)

Renard Wiseman (via Pete Stemmer)

Owen Carty (via Pete Stemmer)

John Barnes (via Pete Stemmer)

Tom Watson (via Pete Stemmer)

Horace Somes - officer (via Pete Stemmer)

Walter Mathis - Plumber's Helper (via Bob Mathis)


(Can you name their boat?)

Pratt Cramer - Captain Cramer

Les Allen - Alpat

Calvin Wilson - Seahawk

Fred Kalm - Saphire Lady

Otto Kalm - Irene (via Claire Allen)

Rue Mizelle - Evelyn (via Jim McAnney)

Chet Allen - Valient (via Jim McAnney)

Ferron Lamson - Silver Queen (via Jim McAnney)

Walter Mathis - Minnie J (via Bob Mathis)

Roy Mathis (via Bob Mathis)


Gerald Hickman

Herman Wunch

Gene Franz

Sam Altscher

William Schlegle

Frederic Marsey

Soloman Turner


Francis Sears

Gene Sears

Talbert "Tabby" McAnney

Walter Mathis-Forman (via Bob Mathis)

Ralph Loveland (via Bob Mathis)

Ed Brown (via Bob Mathis)

Delwin Downs (via Bob Mathis)

Henry Kruse (via Bob Mathis)

George Cramer (via Bob Mathis)

Harry Mick (via Bob Mathis)

Leon "Minkey" Allen (via Bob Mathis)


Eugene "Booter" Mathis - asparagus

Ike Bowers on Bowers Lane - asparagus

Leepa Farm on Leepa Lane (via Bev Robinson)

Jack Budd on West Road (via Jim McAnney)

Emil Whauchn on West Road - exotic animals




Clarence Steele, Sr.

Clarence Steel, Jr.

Walt and Margaret Roberts

Harvey Houck and Albert Block

Jay Belk - after Houck & Block

Walter "Diddy" Loveland - Garage only


Jonathan Ashton - Commissioner (via Pete Stemmer)

Johnny Barnes - Mayor & Commissioner (via Pete Stemmer)

T. Richard Bethea - Mayor & Commissioner (via Pete Stemmer)

Stan Cramer - Commissioner (via Pete Stemmer)

Joseph Forgach - Commissioner (via Pete Stemmer)

Jean Ward - Commissioner (via Bob Mathis)

Frank Gray - Tax Assessor (via Pete Stemmer)

Walter "Ditty" Loveland - Mayor & Commissioner (via Pete Stemmer)

Elvin McAnney - Township Clerk (via Pete Stemmer)

Norman G. Mathis - Township Clerk (via Pete Stemmer)

Paul Greiner - Commissioner (via Bob Mathis)

Walter Cutts - Commissioners (via Bob Mathis)

Les Roe - Commissioner (via Pete Stemmer)

Floyd West - Mayor & Commissioner (via Pete Stemmer)


Nelson Cramer

James Belk (via Bob Mathis)

Leon "Minky" Allen


Fred Smith -State Trooper

Joseph "Joe Potty" Mathis - State Marine Police

Carl "Dude" Allen-State Marine Police (via Bob Mathis)


Stan Cramer - Chestnut Neck

Ferron Lamson -Cape Horn

Chet Allen - Allen's Dock (via Bob Mathis)

Rube McAnney - Allen's Dock (via Bob Mathis)

George and Linda McGeoch - Allen's Dock (via Bob Mathis)


Richard Thomas 1856 - 1857

Wm. C. Chattam 1857 - 1858

Levi J. Rhoads (S. Wheeler, Asst.) 1858 - 1859

W.E. Boyle 1859 - 1861

P.Q. Calder 1861- 1863

A. Matthews 1863 - 1864

M.H. Shrimp (G.W. Dobbins, Asst) 1864 - 1865

C. Mansbury 1865- 1866

D.M. Curdy 1866 - 1869

J.P. Connelly 1869 - 1873

John H. Boswell 1873 - 1875

T.R. Stratton 1875 - 1876

S.F. Bishop 1876 - 1877

J. Warthan 1877 - 1878

S.P. Cassaboom 1878 - 1880

C.P. Smith 1880 - 1881

J.B. Hines 1882 - 1882

S.H. Potter 1882 - 1883

Edwin Waters 1883 - 1885

David D. Fisler 1885 - 1886

P.W. Bilderback 1886 - 1887

C.F. VanSant 1887 - 1888

J.O. R. Corliss 1888 - 1890

T.D. Sleeper 1890 - 1891

Wm. H. Burley 1892 - 1894

N.B. Rockhill 1894 - 1895

J.W. Tower 1895 - 1899

John W. Lynch 1899 - 1901

H.M. Lawrence 1901 - 1902

Leon Chamberlain 1902 - 1904

H.B. White 1904 - 1906

A.H. Frazer 1906 - 1908

Joseph S. Moore 1908 - 1910

W.R. Blackman 1910 - 1912

W. E. Blackiston 1912 - 1913

P. W. Bilderback 1913 - 1914

E. R. Craig 1914 - 1915

John Q. Post 1915 - 1916

L.V. Brewin 1916 - 1920

F.O. Jackson 1920 - 1921

Russell Norris 1921 - 1921

John I. Stokes 1921 - 1924

Ira J. B. Hill 1924 - 1925

Howard Cramer 1925 - 192 7

Elwood Hoey 1927 - 1929

Mr. Morgan 1930 - 1931

Jacob Smallwood 1931 - 1933

Aurice Parsells 1933 - 1934

Wm. B. Magsam 1934 - 1938

Leon Martorano 1938 - 1940

A.D. Elwell 1940 - 1941

Harry Taylor 1941 - 1941

Joseph Bradway 1942 - 1942

Arthur Huckaby 1942 - 1943

George Jackson 1944 - 1947

Champion Goldy 1947 - 1949

Howard Shoemaker 1949 - 1952

Joseph Uncle 1952 - 1956

George Starsmeare 1956 - 1959

E.C. Campbell, Jr. 1959-1961

Wendell P. Luke 1961 - 1962

Herman D. DeJong 1962 - 1964

Donald Rolfs 1964 - 1965

Raymond Woolbright 1965 - 1967

George S. R. Gross,Jr. 1967- Nov. 1979

Robert D. Robinson Jan 1980- June 1982

Ackerman (Interim Pastor) 3 weeks

Carl J. Catts 1982 - 1986

Darryl Duer 1986- 1989

Francis M. Coyle 1989 – 1992

Frank Brown, Jr. 1992 – 1994

Oliver E. Megill 1994 – 1995

Regina Hendrickson 1995 - 1996

Robert Olyn Bryant 1996 – February, 2000

Edward R. Elgrim September, 2000 – June, 2001

Harry Hill July, 2001 - Present


Ramsey, Rankin, W. C. Davis, Dr. Samuel Miller, VanRensselaer 1851-1858

Allen H. Brown 1858-1861

K. P. Ketcham 1862-1864

S. H. Thompson 1865-1867

George T. LeBoutillier 1867-1868

S. R. Anderson 1869-1874

Albert Worthington 1879-1885

S. G. Webb, M.D. 1888-1896

J. T. Campbell 1896-1899

B. S. Everitt, D.D. 1899-1902

Robert Robinson 1902-1905

John L. Rusbridge 1905-1907

C. J. Pendleton 1909-1912

R. W. Hand, Shultz, Brackbill, M. A. Spotts, F. B. Helsman, R. D. Adams 1913-1921

Andrew Richards 1921-1923

Milo F. Jamison 1924-1925

J. H. Ginter 1925-1928

Samuel E. Arndt 1928-1930

J. Garrett Kell 1930-1932

George Kress 1933-1936

William Bullock 1937-1939

Ralph Hand 1940

Ernest Enslin 1940-1942

Eugene Osterhaven 1942-1943

Percy Martin 1943-1944

George Cox 1944-1948

Stanton R. Wilson 1948-1951

Hugh Cosline (via Jim McAnney)

John Costas (via Jim McAnney)

Ralph Reed (via Jim McAnney)

Ralph Tamachio (via Pete Stemmer)

Larry Van Hise (via Pete Stemmer)

Doris Cowan (via Pete Stemmer)

Paul Milio (via Pete Stemmer)


Jack Mathis

Steve Potter

Norman Cramer

Lenny Cerillo (via Bob Mathis)

Robert Brown (via Bob Mathis)

POSTMASTERS (via Pete Stemmer)

Joseph B. Cramer - Postmaster 08/06/1850
Rollin M. Ashley - Postmaster 11/10/1852
Mrs. Sarah S. Cramer - Postmaster 02/04/1853
Franklin Adams - Postmaster 05/05/1857
Joseph B. Lamson - Postmaster 11/02/1885
Ida Deacon - Postmaster 06/06/1889
Charles R. Deacon - Postmaster 03/12/1892
Rollin A. Mathis - Postmaster 02/02/1893
Alfred M. Sullivan - Postmaster 06/24/1897
Anna L. Leek - Postmaster 07/03/1901
Mary S. Leek - Acting Postmaster 06/01/1929
Mary S. Leek - Postmaster 03/21/1930
Maybelle Ray Cramer - Acting Postmaster 07/01/1944
Naomi Margaret Post - Acting Postmaster 09/15/1944
Mrs. Naomi P. Maurer - Acting Postmaster 02/02/1946
Mrs. Naomi P. Maurer - Postmaster 08/01/1946
Mrs. Helen E. Carty - Acting Postmaster 11/29/1957
Mrs. Helen E. Carty - Postmaster 08/31/1959
William Halkes Jr. - Officer-In-Charge 04/06/1979
Mrs. Bernadette M. Murphy - Postmaster 06/30/1979
Harry C. Stevenson Jr. - Officer-ln-Charge 08/21/1981
Joshua O. Weber - Postmaster 11/14/1981
Lou J. LaPlaga - Officer-In-Charge 08/14/1987
Robed Trader - Officer-In-Charge 11/23/1987
Melanie A. Klix - Postmaster 01/02/1988
Curtis H. Taylor - Officer-In-Charge 08/29/1991
Richard W. Irion - Postmaster 12/28/1991
Rebecca A. Lesko - Officer-In-Charge 03/06/1993
Richard W. Irion - Postmaster 04/23/1993
Rebecca A. Lesko - Officer-In-Charge 12/19/1999
Dorothy Mathis - Officer-In-Charge 02/29/2000
Richard W. Irion - Postmaster 04/19/2000
Janine Wengert - Officer-In-Charge 01/02/2003
Michele L. Scamoffa - Postmaster 01/25/2003


Mary and Fred Sorocco (via Bob Mathis)
Cliff Allen - Allen's Clam Bar (via Bob Mathis)
Winnie Allen - Allen's Clam Bar (via Bob Mathis)
Win Allen Jr. - Allen's Clam Bar (via Bob Mathis)
Ash Lamson - Lamson's Restaurant (via Bob Mathis)
Jack Harkins (via Bob Mathis)
Doug Hancock - Rustic Inn (via Bob Mathis)
John Martin - John's Diner (via Bob Mathis)


Ben Broome and Russie Adams

Charlie and Milton"Mutt" Kaufkin

Jack Wiseman


Verna Wiseman

Harrison Cunningham

Therman Seay

Eddie Bourguignon (via Jim McAnney)

Gene Frantz (via Jim McAnney)

Walter Mathis - janitor

Vera Sears - janitor


George Allen

Bill Belk

Bert Adams

Owen Carty

Bob Adams

Clarence "Buddy" Steele

Earl Cramer

Rodger Voorhees - Forman (via Bob Mathis)

Roy Zerrit (via Bob Mathis)

Marvin Dawson (via Bob Mathis)

Herbert Adams (via Bob Mathis)

Hubert "Ubie" Adams (via Bob Mathis)

George Cramer (via Bob Mathis)


Harry Allen

Woody Allen

Washy Allen

Otto Kalm

Alston "Bussie" Allen

Doughty Cramer - relief watchman (via Jim McAnney)

F. A. Gray - Supervisor


Clarence Mathis

Eddie Burguignon


Kathleen Gray

Sylvia Houck

Minnie Shropshire

Elsie Maxwell

Miss Woolheater (via Jim McAnney)

Mr. Griffin (via Jim McAnney)

Richard Roventine - also principal (via Jim McAnney)

Mrs Spaeth (via Bob Mathis)

Miss McGrath (via Bob Mathis)

Mrs Porter (via Bob Mathis)

Mrs Scott (via Bob Mathis)


Delvin Downs

Steve Eichinger, Sr.

Well, Mike has given us a good start on our Book of New Gretna Lists. Now, let's hear from you out in the Blog-O-Sphere and see how many categories, people etc. we can add.

Pete S

PS- I see some familiar names on Mike's lists. I got my first case of chiggers when Murray and Jean Harris took Jackie and I blueberry picking, shortly after we moved to New Gretna, in Viola Pepper's abandoned blueberry field in back of the Methodist Church. I still itch thinking about it!


  1. Hi Pete: First of all, I never knew my grandfather "Boot" Mathis was considered an asparagus farmer. But, he did grow some really delicious sweet corn! And my grandmother had fantastic strawberries. Oh, and the tomatoes.

    Under which category would the Leepa farm be put. They sold eggs and milk. I remember going with "Mom" Leepa when she took milk to her customers in NG. I also remember seeing crates of eggs that were sent to Atlantic City (I think). Then, when the highway was built, they sold(?) gravel for the construction.
    Beverly Mathis Robinson

  2. Beverly,

    Regarding where to put the Leepa Farm - I added a FARM category above.

    Pete S

  3. Pete I'll add a few names. My teachers in the 50's were Mrs. Houck, Miss Woolheater, Mrs. Shropshire,Mr. Griffin, and Mr. Roventine. He taught sixth grade and was also the pricipal.
    Gene Frantz and Eddie Bourginon were also schoolbus drivers.
    My grandfather, Doughty Cramer, was a relief watchman for the State shellfish.
    Rue Mizelle ran the partyboat Evelyn. Chet Allen had the Valliant. There was another that I remember, Silver Queen, that I think was Ferron Lamson's,but Im not sure on that one.
    Cliff Budd was a bridge tender.
    Cliff's brother,Jack Budd had a farm on West Road,near Rte. 542 but I dont know what he raised. Those fields are all overgrown now.
    I think the name Avin Caney listed under Bass River Forest workers should be Alvin McAnney.

    Jim McAnney

  4. Jim,

    Thanks for the list additions and correction. I've made them on Mike's list. I thought Avin Caney sounded suspect but figured that Mike may have known someone I hadn't heard of. I guess it was just a typo. Eagle Eye Jim McAnney strikes again!

    Pete S

  5. My grandmother ( Helen Carty ) wanted me to let you know not to forget the people who worked in the post office,herself and Naomi Mauer. As I am reminded all the time she worked there for 27 and a half years, most of them as post master. I told her I would pass the info along.

    Glenn Jones

  6. Glenn,

    I haven't forgotten the New Gretna Postmasters. The February 6, 2009 Blog talks about and presents photos of them. Be sure to take a look. Your grandmother Helen's photo is there.

    Pete S

  7. ask them about all the fun they had with postcards and C. G. Mathis

  8. Glenn,

    I added Postmasters to the lists. Thanks for passing on the reminder from your grandmother.

    Pete S

  9. Is the Miss Shropshire mentioned as a teacher the same one I would have had in 1945 as the Kindergarten, First and Second grade teacher at NG Elementary School?
    Postmastering seems to run in the family. If I am not mistaken, the first one, Joseph B. Cramer was a relative and Maybelle Cramer was my grandfather's second wife. There are a couple others I am investigating. Thanks Pete for an entertaining list of lists.

  10. Yes, Mrs. Minnie Shropshire would have been your teacher in 1945.

    Hopefully, we are just getting started on the lists. I am counting on our regular Blog readers to add items to the existing lists and to develop additional List topics.

    Pete S

  11. Pete,

    How about a list of Bass River Mayors/Commissioners? How far back do the records go?

    I think Keever Allen should be on the Baymen list.


    John Allen

  12. John,

    I added Keever to the Baymen List and created a GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS list.

    Pete S

  13. Pete Another category could be ministers of the Presbyterian and Methodist churches

  14. Thanks to Bob Mathis for adding a couple of new list categories and many names throughout.

    Pete S

  15. Lists of Methodist and Presbyterian Ministers have been posted. Some help is needed to bring the Presbyterian Ministers List up to date.

    Pete S

  16. Pete,

    I think the minister after Stan Wilson was Cosline. Spelling may be off on that one. There was also John Costas and Ralph Reed.

    Jim McAnney

  17. Hi Pete: Mention of the Presbyterian ministers brought back to mind the run-in my grandfather 'Boot' and 'Woody' Allen had with Stan Wilson about Sunday baseball.
    BTW: Is there a list of baseball teams and players yet?
    Thanks for the entertaining lists.
    Beverly Mathis Robinson

  18. Beverly,

    Good suggestion. Rather than me spending a lot of time researching the names of New Gretna Baseball Team Members, I'm hoping that Dave Kalm, down in Florida, writes up a list with names and position played based on his memory. That will be a whole lot faster. Anyone else out in the Blog-O-Sphere who can contribute is welcome to send in some names. Meanwhile, I'll add the BASEBALL TEAM category to our lists.

    Pete S

  19. How about wesley core added to the baymen. Also, tommy cramer was quite a bayman along with cliff and winnie allen.

  20. Cindy (Gray) DickeyAugust 14, 2010 at 6:53 PM

    This is exciting for me.
    Joseph 'Joe Potty' Mathis-Law Enforcement was my great grandfather. I was fortunate to have him around until I was 20, my great grandmother Lizzie Mathis for another 10 years.
    F. A. Gray-State Shellfish Watchmen/Tax Assessor was my father's uncle.
    Kathleen Gray-Teacher (F. A.'s wife)
    F. A. and Kathleen's son, Frank Gray, and my father are cousins. Hi Frank! It's me, Cindy.

    Pete, please add my grandfather William Gray (F. A.'s brother) to the list---my father tells me he was shellfish commissioner during the 1940's and foreman of the county roads during the 1940's and 1950's. He was also a baymen in the 1920's.

    Dad and Mom graduated from Tuckerton HS in 1950 and 1952 respectively and said the three teachers they had in New Gretna grammer school were Margaret Adams (K-1st-2nd) Leola Hickman (3rd-4th-5th) Elsie Smith (6th-7th-8th)

  21. Please include Joe Cramer in the Baymen's list. Boats and the bay were his lot in life.

    Robert Bergh

  22. Louise Hickman DillonJanuary 16, 2011 at 4:08 PM

    Another category is "Painters" and two I remember are Gerald Hickman and Rue Mizelle. Also under "Bridge Tenders" should be Vanaman at the Bass River Bridge, and my grandfather, Joseph Hickman, was a janitor at the New Gretna School, as per an article in the Gazette. Also, I remember Sears Store on Hammonton Road.

  23. When was Allens Clam Bar established? Are all of these Allens related?

  24. I'm not sure when Allen's Clam Bar was established. Probabably sometime in the 1940's or 50's by Clif Allen. Next time I see Winnie Allen, Cliff's great grandson, who is a current owner, I'll ask him.

    Meanwhile, if anyone out in the Blog-O-Sphere knows when Allen's Clam Bar was established, let's hear from you

    Pete S

  25. I noticed you have a handful of pictures on here, do you have any of the Route 9 or homes on Route 9 from the earlier years?

    i.e. Winnie is Cliffs grandson.This is a great website that you have, glad I stumbled across it.

  26. I have some older photos of Rt 9 houses. Let me know which one(s) you are interested in, and I'll see if I have them.

    Pete S

  27. Allens Clsm bar before all the remodels, even the bar that Cliff had before the current building,the Allen residents. Thanks,

  28. I'm sorry, but I don't have any old photos of Allen's Clam Bar. Perhaps, someone out in the Blog-O-Sphere can provide a few.

    Pete S

  29. The January 16th comment (above) asked when Allen's Clam Bar was established. I found a notation in a 9/3/2010 "Tuckerton Leader" newspaper article which stated " . . . loyal customers enjoy the 44-year-old establishment's familiar, home-style atmosphere and seafood . . . " A little math indicates that Allen's Clam Bar was thus established in 1966. I always figured it was older than that.

    Pete S

  30. Hi Pete,
    Does the Joseph Forgach you list under GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS reside in Tuckerton and related to Grace Forgach who also resides there?

    April Moran, cousin to Robert Gotch in England
    (geneaologists trying to connect with relatives)

  31. April,

    Yes. Joseph Forgach was married to Grace. Joe died on 01/08/2005 at age 67. Grace still lives in the Off Shore Manor development in Bass River Township but has a Tuckerton mailing address.

    Pete S

  32. The Patio Drive In has roots in New Gretna history. Its located on the corner of Rt 9. The first owners were Belk, then Mary Kokinakis , (sp?), then Luigi Scotto (till 2001) who installed the pizza ovens, current owners are Jim and Carla Manney. And remember the old stagecoach stop that later became apartments across from The Patio....?

  33. Hi Pete,
    I am Walter Cutts granddaughter. Is there any information or photos of him, my grandmother (Golda Cutts), or my mom (Norma Cutts)? I am working on our family history and would love anything that might be available.
    Thank you,
    C.L. Fraschetti
