Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another Time Trip - February 28, 1946

I've taken the Time Machine out of the closet, dusted it off, and am ready to take another trip back to New Gretna in "the good old days". Grab your Time Machine goggles and climb aboard if you would like to join us.

I've set the dials to February 28, 1946. Things were pretty normal in the two churches on Sunday. Minnie Shropshire is still playing piano at the Presbyterian Church, and the engagement of her daughter, Mildred, has just been announced. Naomi Post, the Postmistress, had just been married to Bill Maurer in a beautiful ceremony in the Methodist Church followed by a reception in the Civic Hall. We'll meet some familiar people at the wedding including John Q. Post and Miss Margaret. 

A lot more is going on throughout the town, so let's get started.

February 28, 1946 .  .  . Here we come!

New Gretna 


Rev. G. H. Jackson, Pastor Sunday, March 3, 1946 

10:30 A. M. Morning Worship 11:45 A. M. Sunday-school

7:30 P. M. Evening Worship

8 p. m. The Concetta Bible Class will meet next Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Watson.

Last Sunday morning the Rev. Leon Martorana a former pastor of the local church was the speaker at the service, having recently been discharged from the U. S. Army of which he has served as Chaplain overseas. The evening service was in charge of the Rev. Ziba Adams, retired Minister of Port Republic, N. J.


Rev. George R. Cox, Jr., Pastor Sunday, March 3, 1946

10:00 A. M. Sunday-school

11:00 A. M. Morning Service

7:30 P. M. Evening Service.

Last Wednesday afternoon the Ladies Auxiliary held their monthly luncheon meeting at the home of Mrs. Gertrude F. Cramer.

Sunday services were observed with appropriate sermons and singing of hymns suited to the 85th anniversary of the organization of the Church. In the evening the Men's Chorus were guests of the Pastor and Congregation at which time they rendered several selections, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Fred Shropshire. A delegation was present from Tuckerton and several other out of town visitors were present at this service.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shropshire announced the engagement of their daughter, Mildred to Theodore G. Felsburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Felsburg of Pleasant Ave., Pleasantville, N. J. Mr. Felsburg has recently re­turned home from service in the Mar­shall Islands.


Maurer – Post

A wedding of distinction and beauty took place in the New Gretna Methodist Church Friday afternoon, February 22, 1946 at 3 o'clock, when Miss Naomi Post, our Postmaster, only daughter of John Q. Post, and niece of Miss Margaret C. Adams, and William Maurer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maurer of Wading River, N. J. were united in Holy Matrimony by the Rev. Leon Martorano, recently discharged Army Chaplain, and a former Pastor of the local Church. He was assisted by the Rev. Blain Detrick of Cherry Run, N. Y., also a former Pastor of Lower Bank Circuit. The double ring ceremony was used.

The bride was given in marriage by her father and was charming in her gown of White net over white satin with extreme length train, a coronet of lace and net adorned her head at­tached to her veil of net and lace with long train, a string of pearls encircled her neck, she carried a Brides Bible, with a white orchid attached from which hung streamers of ribbon with tiny bower The matron of honor, Mrs. Marguireite Updike Detrick, of Cherry Run, N. Y. wore a blue satin dress with white appliquéd net over dress, and a Polk Bonnet of blue for a head dress and carried yellow rosebuds.

The two bridesmaids, Miss Mae Cor­lis of Trenton, N. J. and Miss Jeanette Brinker of Philadelphia, Pa. were dressed in contrasting colors, one wearing yellow satin dress with white appliquéd net over dress, and matching Polk Bonnet carried a bouquet of white carnations, the second Brides-maid was attired in a dress of pink satin with appliquéd white net over dress, and wore a Polk Bonnet of matching color, and carried variegated pink and white carnation.

The flower girl, Jacquelin Barnes, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes, local, was cute and very pretty  in her gown of rose colored taffeta and carried a basket of snapdragon and Carnations. Mr. Maurer chose for the best man, his brother Norman Maurer of Rahway, N. J. and the two ushers were James Clarence Post, brother of the bride, local, and William Mee of Rahway, N. J. The wedding march was played by Miss Naomi Freestone, organist at the Fellowship Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Rae Holloway of West Creek, rendered two solo's, "Because," and "At Dawning." A duet, 'Saviour Like A Shepherd Lead Me" was sung by Mrs. Holloway and Mr. Clarence G. Mathis, while the young couple was kneeling in prayer.

Miss Margaret C. Adams, aunt of the bride was dressed in Navy blue appliquéd Crepe with matching hat and wore a corsage of red rose buds. Mrs. Paul Maurer, mother of the groom, wore a light blue silk jersey flowered print dress, with black hat and wore a corsage of red rose buds.

After the young couple were given a ride around the village they and the wedding party returned to the Civic Hall, where they were greeted by over 275 friends, with a reception following. The Church which was beautifully decorated with Palms, Ferns and cut flowers by Fisher, the florist, of Atlantic City, formed an attractive setting for the wedding, likewise the hall in which only the bridal party was seated at a table where a three tier wedding cake graced the center, and ferns, carnations and snapdragon added to the attractive decorations.

A buffet supper was served to the guests which numbered over 275 and after the cutting of the wedding cake the young couple left for Atlantic City, thence to Richmond, Va. where they are spending a week. It is the unanimous wish of the Community and nearby towns that the young couple spend a long and happy wedded life together.


Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Bernstein of New York City, N. Y. spent the holiday and week end with the formers mother, Mrs. Constance Bernstein.

Mr. Thomas Wood of Clementon, N.J. spent Saturday in town.

Mr. James C. MacDonald, Supervisor of State Conservation and Development of Forestry, was a business visitor in Trenton, N. J. Tuesday.

Mrs. Newton Mathis and daughter Arlene and young son of Wildwood, N, J. were week end guests of their aunt, Miss Theora B. Cramer.

Mrs. John Leepa who has been con­fined to the Hahnemann hospital of Philadelphia for five weeks following a major operation returned to her home last Sunday and is convalescent at this time.

The Rev. and Mrs. Leon Martorana of Boston, Mass. were guests of Mr. Franklin A. Gray and parents for the holiday and week end. Mrs. Martorana was taken ill with Grippe during her visit and was unable to attend the Maurer-Post wedding.

Miss Jean Shropshire and mother Mrs. Fred Shropshire, were Atlantic City visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Salmons of S. Maple Ave. had as their guest Friday, Mrs. Evelyn Baker of 15 W. Adams Ave., Pleasantville, N. J.

Sorry to report that our School Jan­itor, Walter L. Mathis, was rushed to Atlantic City hospital early Saturday morning in the Tuckerton Ambulance, where it was found necessary to perform an emergency operation. He is doing very well at this time, and has the best wishes of the Community at large for his complete and speedy recovery.

Mrs. Marjorie Frantz of Philadelphia,  Mr. and Mrs. William Sweiker of Phila. Pa. and Miss Mildred Leepa, Chief, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott of Laurel Springs, N. J. were Sunday callers and visitors over the week end at the Leepa Home.

Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gerew who attended the wedding of Miss Naomi Post and were guests of the Gerews, were: Mr. and Mrs. Leon Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pote of Collingswood, N. J. and Mrs. Ada Mathis of Vineland, N. J.

Mrs. Thomas Newell is visiting with her husband, Ensign Thomas Newell, in New York City for this week.

Mrs. Sara Mathis was the guest of her niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Holloway for the day Monday, when they motored to Philadelphia on a shopping trip, after which en route home they were Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holloway and daugh­ter Jean at their home in Chatsworth.

Mrs. Mary Black who has been visiting in Philadelphia, Pa. with friends and relatives spent Tuesday in town attending the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Annie Nelson.

Mr. and Mrs. James Updike of Wading River left Sunday for a visit with their daughter and husband, the Rev. and Mrs. Blain Detrick of Cherry Run, N. Y.

Guests arriving Thursday evening at the Adams-Post home for the Post-Maurer wedding on Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cramer of Jersey City, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freestone and daughter Naomi, Miss Iva Young of Philadelphia, Miss Mae Corlis of Trenton, Mrs. William Paterson and Miss Marian Lashley of Mays Landing, Miss Lucy Bombacci, of Boston, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thomas of Phila­delphia.

Mrs. Marjorie Kent and friend of Philadelphia and Mrs. L. Newcomer of Westville, N. J., Mrs. Dora Maxwell of Philadelphia were all guests of Mrs. Dora Sutton Friday when they all attended the Maurer-Post wedding.

Mrs. Levi Downs and Mr. and Mrs. W. Salmons were visitors in Germania Saturday evening where they attended the auction which is held there weekly.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy Mathis, Mrs. Walter L. Mathis and daughter, Geor­gine, Mrs. Fred Shropshire, were all Monday evening visitors at the At­lantic City hospital where they visited with Walter L. Mathis, who is recover­ing from a major operation perform­ed last Saturday morning.

Sorry to report that Miss Betty McAnney is confined to her home with illness, she is recovering nicely, and is reported to be a very good patient. Her grandfather, Capt. L. D. Robbins passed his 83rd birthday the 26th day of February. Capt. Robbins is very active and still carries on his Oyster Shipping business at the Bass River Dock. His brother-in-law, Samuel Allen was 85 years old last Friday the 22nd.

Mr. Kelsey Moore of Oaklyn, N. J. brother of Mrs. A. Caroline Mathis, was a visitor with his sister, Caroline. Together they spent Monday with their two sisters in Atlantic City.

Mrs. Pitman Mathis who has recovered from a six week illness, the while she was with her son Herbert Strickland and family in Port Republic, was a caller of Mrs. Sara Mathis Tuesday afternoon.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maurer at their home in Wading River were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Maurer, Mr. William Mee of Rahway, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Maurer of Palisades, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pilles, Mr. and Mrs. William Brinker of Sea Girt, Mrs. Otto Ulbrick and daughter of Westfield. All were hero to attend the Maurer-Post Wedding.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rendell and son Noel of Tuckerton were Saturday evening callers of Mrs. Sara Mathis.

Rev. George Cox Jr. was a Saturday afternoon caller of Walter L. Mathis at the Atlantic City hospital

Coxswain Theodore Felsberg of Pleasantville was a Thursday evening caller of Miss Mildred Shropshire, C.N., at her home.

Miss Mary McGrath, Primary teacher, was a wednesday evening dinner guest of Capt. and Mrs. Pratt Cramer and son, Donald.

Miss Betty Schutte has recovered after several days illness at her home on North Allentown Road.

Tuckerton Beacon - February 28, 1946

Wow, that was some trip! It's going to take me a while to recuperate. Hope you had as good a time as I.

Pete S


  1. Is the Rev. Ziva Adams the husband of my great aunt Josephine Adams Adams? She was from Port Republic. I have a picture of them along with their children. I was still living in NG when these news items happened. I vaguely remember "Mom" Leepa being ill and my staying in Philadelphia with her daughter Alice.
    I remember being at a double wedding in NG probably in 1944 or 5. The church was on the main street, seems like on the right, as you went toward Atlantic City. Anybody remember that one?
    Beverly Mathis Robinson

  2. Beverly,

    The following news item from the 1/30/1947 edition of the Tuckerton Beacon confirms the connection between Ziba Adams and Booter Mathis of your family.

    Pete S

    "The Rev. and Mrs. Ziba Adams and sisters Mrs. Prudence Leeds and Miss Sophia Adams of Port Republic were Monday afternoon callers of their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mathis."

  3. Thanks, Pete. Another tidbit to add to the family history. As I noted in another comment, I have some pictures of the Adams family of Port Republic. Are you still looking for these?
    Beverly Mathis Robinson
