Friday, February 20, 2009

Another Time Machine Trip - October 30, 1952

I'm itchin' for another trip back in time. The controls are set for New Gretna on October 30, 1952. Care to come along? 

The churches are still active, election day is scheduled in the New Gretna Fire House followed by a Ham Dinner in the Knights of Pythias Hall on Route 9, Girl Scout Week is highlighted with a Halloween Party, the fire company responded to three fires, and Donald Maxwell's 93 year old grandfather in Wading River is ill. Of course, there's the usual gossip buzzing around.

My big question about this trip is how does someone get 1500 bales of dog hair and why would they store it in their barn? There must be a lot of bald dogs around Green Bank. Perhaps I should start a doggy toupee business. Hope someone out there can shed some light on this puzzle. 

It should be an enjoyable trip, so put on your Time Travel goggles and  hang on tight   .    .    . 


by Mrs. Agnes Martin

Pho. Tuck. 6-6692



 Rev. Joseph E. Uncle, D. D.


Mrs. Helen Mathis, Organist

Sunday, November 2nd.

9:45 A. M. — Morning Worship Holy Communion. Meditation:

“This In Remembrance of Me.” Music by the combined choirs.

11:00 A. M. — Church School, Mrs. William Maurer, Supt.

7:30 P. M. — Evening Worship Topic: “What Is My Business?”

Saint Paul’s Methodist Church, New Gretna. To conduct a Spiri­tual Life Program for the month of November. The purpose of the program is to deepen the religious experience of the members of the church and to increase the at­tendance of the members at the services. Materials from Tydings in Nashville, Tennessee and from various other sources will be used to assist in every way a develop­ment of the joyous Christian Spirit and to build greater attendance. According to Rev. Mr. Uncle, pas­tor of the church, “A concerted ef­fort will be made to get people to devote their lives to the Lord and to be loyal to his Church.”


Mr. Hugh Cosline

Student Minister

Sunday, November 2nd.

9:45 A. M. — Church school for all ages.

11:00 A. M. — Morning Worship with the Girl Scouts and Brownies in attendance.

4:00 P. M. — flames Mission School.

7:30 P. M. — Evening Worship Service.

Donations for the Belvidere Home can still be brought to the church, as no one was able to go to Belvidere this week. However, this is the last chance this year, so let’s try to make a good dona­tion.

Saturday, 8:00 p.m. — Senior Fellowship Halloween Party.

Tuesday, November 4, 8:30 p.m. The newly organized Junior Fel­lowship under the leadership of Seniors Janet and Margery Allen and Joyce Maxwell.

Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, followed by Drucilla Bible Class at 8:00 p.m.


Uncle Sam is requesting your presence at his office, the New Gretna Fire House, on November 4th, 1952, any time between 7:00 a.m. and 8 p.m., to advise him on the conduct of his business. If you fail to heed his invitation — don’t criticize or complain during the ensuing term of office of the elected officials. You will have forfeited your right to do so. There­fore, remember — November 4th— VOTE.


The W. S. C. S. of the Metho­dist Church will serve a Baked Ham Dinner at the P. O. S. of A. Hall on Election Day, November 4th, from 12 Noon to 7:00 p.m.

The Board of Education meets the first Monday each month in school. The next meeting is scheduled for November 3rd, at 7:30 pm.


This is Girl Scout Week. The New Gretna troop started the week with the usual meeting on Monday and enjoyed a Halloween party. They will complete the week by at­tending church in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. It is hoped that all the girls will co­operate by attending in a body. The Brownies are included.

Mrs. Norman Mathis last Sat­urday visited her father, Mr. Hen­ry Gaskill at the U. S. Marine Hos­pital on Staten Island, and found him able to be up and around.

Three fires within a week have made extra work for our firemen. The Horton chicken houses last week Wednesday. On Saturday a brush fire demanded their atten­tion at the home of Harry Cranmer on the New York Highway. Sun­day evening the men were called out from homes and church serv­ices to help extinguish the fire in a barn on the property of Mrs. Emily Ware in Green Bank. As there were 1500 bales of dog hair stored in the barn the fire burned and smoldered all night and some of the men stayed on guard un­til morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Carr and little daughter Marilyn, of Phila­delphia, recently visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Carr on the New York Highway.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Leonhard had as weekend visitors their daugh­ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Myers, of Kenilworth.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adare, of Woodbury, visited the former’s sis­ter, Mrs. George Carr recently.

Jack Archer with his class from the Friends High School in Atlan­tic City, was privileged to take a trip to New York City where they visited the United Nations Council during the past week.

Mrs. Ida Vincent has returned to New Gretna after spending some time with relatives at Rehoboth, Del.

Mrs. Charles Kauflin is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Amanda Lee, of Scullville, helping to celebrate Mrs. Lee’s 84th birthday.

Mrs. Inman of the New York Highway has been spending some time visiting relatives in Passaic.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Alston Adams of Washington, D. C. surprised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adams on Sunday. Before return­ing to Washington, Mr. Alston Adams attended a conference in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

Mr. John H. Maxwell, of Wading River, father of Mr. Curtis Max­well, is critically ill at his home. His age, 93 years, is somewhat of a handicap.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mathis spent a week in Lancaster, Pa., visiting her sister, Mrs. Alice Dulio. Mrs. Dulio came back with the Mathises for a week’s visit in New Gretna.

Mrs. Ethel Robbins is very ill at her home on New York Highway.

Joseph Shropshire is having a few days from his studies at Rut­gers University and spent Tues­day at the home of his parents.

Mrs. Charles Lang on Tuesday visited her cousin in Atlantic City hospital.

[ Tuckerton Beacon - October 30, 1952]

Hope today's trip back to October 30, 1952 was enjoyable for you. If you saw someone you recognized, drop us a line here at the blog with a little info or story about that person or persons.

Pete S


  1. I was surprised to read that the "dog hair" that you mentioned was in Emily Ware's barn. Emily and Joe Ware had a sawmill in Green Bank for many years. Emily was the sister of my father(Charles Weber). She married Joe Ware who is the father of Howard Ware. Emily was Howard's step mother. "Dog hair" is a by-product of the cutting of wood blocks into shingles. It's a type of saw dust, but is really long stringy fibers that was used for bedding for dogs, horses, pigs, etc. It was also used for packing breakables such as dishes.
    Elaine Weber Mathis

  2. Ah, the "dog hair" puzzle is solved! Thanks, Elaine.As occupations change throughout the generations, so does our vocabulary. It can make for some interesting and amusing misinterpretations, as it did here.

    Pete S
