Friday, January 9, 2009

A Close Shave - A Sign of the Times

All this talk recently about gas stations and eateries along the roads in the old days, sparked me to go up to Tuckerton and exercise my patriotic duty .   .   .   buying a car! If we all did that maybe we could jump start the sorry state of our present economy.

Anyway, I stopped by Tuckerton Motor Sales and Service on Main Street and bought me a brand new 1951 four-door Plymouth Cranbrook sedan. What a beauty!

Tuckerton Beacon - January 11, 1951

Now, how would you like to take a ride with me? I was thinking of heading down old Route 4 (Today's Route 9) toward Atlantic City and thought it would be fun to read some of the old signs along the road. You see, back in the old days, the signs not only sold products but also provided entertainment along the way. 

Here's a sculptured sign advertising the Steel Pier in Atlantic City, our destination on our little road trip. I've heard tell of a similar sign along Route 9 in New Gretna which featured the famous diving horse but don't have a photo of it. Does anyone remember it? (Photo downloaded from internet. Location unknown.)

If you're game, I have an assignment for all of you out there in the blog-a-sphere. I really don't have photos or a knowledge of the old signs around New Gretna in the good old days, as I didn't arrive here until the early 1970's. I'm asking those of you out there who grew up in New Gretna to reach back into your memory and send the blog your recollections of old signs and other advertising exhibits that you may recall. 

To whet your appetites to participate, I'm giving a few examples of probably the most popular of the old time road side advertising signs - Berma Shave. These examples are not particularly from around the New Gretna area; however, it would not surprise me if any of you recall seeing similar slogans in our area. Seems many of the themes have to do with women and driving safety. Wonder if there is a connection?


  1. In the late 1940's I remember the Burma Shave signs posted along Rt 9 on the Bruno Furca farm where Off Shore Manor is now.They were great fun to read.
    Phyllis Briggs

  2. There used to be a set of signs going south on Route 9 in West Creek -

    A thing that will never
    Come to pass
    Is a backseat driver Out of gas
    Burma Shave
