Saturday, January 31, 2009

Memories of Hopalong Cassidy and the old Bass River Hotel

Last week we discussed the 1939 fire which wiped out the second story of the New Gretna Post Office which was housed in the Route 9 home of Mary Leek. Today, we feature another fire which dramatically changed the character of downtown New Gretna.

The dominant structure in downtown New Gretna from the mid 1800's to the early part of the 1900's was the Bass River Hotel which was situated on the southeast corner of the present day intersection of Route 9 and Maple Avenues.

The Bass River Hotel, store, and Post Office was a forerunner of our present day strip malls. (Circa 1880 photo courtesy of Franklin W. Gray.)
The photo of the old hotel complex is reminiscent of my childhood memories of seeing all those Saturday morning cowboys shows on TV in the early 1950's. Remember those large wooden boxes with those tiny little screens? Hopalong Cassidy would tie up his horse in front of a building much like the old Bass River Hotel, as he stopped in town for a cool sarsaparilla. Hoppy never drank "hard likker".

Hopalong Cassidy was my favorite cowboy hero of early 1950's television. Does anyone remember the name of Hoppi's horse? (Photo from Google Images.)

The Bass River Hotel was run for many years by Franklin Adams, the man in the white suit in the above photo of the Bass River Hotel, and his wife, Mary Ann. Mary Ann was a descendant of the Great John Mathis, the first white settler in Bass River.

Franklin (1825-1885) and Mary Ann Adams were the proprietors of the Bass River Hotel in it's early years. (Photo courtesy of Franklin W. Gray.)

Franklin Adams was the Great Grandfather of Franklin W. Gray who loaned the photo of the Bass River Hotel to me. Here's the connection - Franklin and Mary Ann Adams, the hotel proprietors, had a daughter, Mary Ann (1873-1947) who married John Gray (1864-1956). They had a son, Franklin Adams Gray (1896-1986), who married Kathleen Willets (1912-1992). They had a daughter, Carol, and a son, Franklin Willets Gray, who presently lives on the Gray homestead on Route 9 in New Gretna.

Franklin Willets Gray in high school. (Photo courtesy of Franklin W. Gray.)

It would be neat having the old Bass River Hotel in our town center, today, but it was not meant to be. Unfortunately the small group of buildings was wiped out by a fire in 1917.

Business Section at New Gretna

Swept By Fire

Post Office, Store, Restaurant and Pool Room in Ashes: 

Result of Mid-Night Blaze




The population of New Gretna were given a shock Friday night when at about 10 o’clock the store of Milton Cramer caught fire. The fire started from some unknown cause after Mr. Cramer closed for the evening and when discovered was beyond control, citizens who gathered to witness the spectacle were helpless to combat the flames as the zero weather had cut off the water supply and with practically no fire-fighting apparatus little could be done to save the property.

The fire quickly spread to the old hotel building and the post office and with the store all were reduced to ashes in less than two hours.

For some time it looked as if the big K. of P. [Knights of Pythias] Hall would be destroyed but heroic effort of a volunteer force of firemen saved this building. It caught on fire on several occasions.

The store owned and occupied by Mr. Cramer, was an old land-mark of New Gretna and was built by the late Levi French more than a half century ago. In the building Mr. French carried on a general merchandise business for many years. Later the business was taken over by Francis French, then Burr French and Howard Mathis. Later Mr. Mathis and his brother Ashley formed the partnership firm of Mathis Brothers and when this firm dissolved the business was continued by Ashley Mathis until his death, when the property was bought by the present owner.

The old hotel property is also an old land mark with an interesting history and many gay times have taken place there that can be recalled by the older residents of that town.

This old building was erected by the late Frank Adams and later owned by his son-in-law, Charles Deacon. Since then it has had a long string of occupants in different lines of business. At the time of the fire the building was occupied by Levi Downs and was owned by Fred Miner.

The post office building was owned by Howard Mathis. The store and stock was covered by $2,500 insurance, the hotel $1,000 and the post office was a total loss, there being no insurance.

[Transcription of a 1/10/1917 newspaper clipping by Pete Stemmer.]

Today, the scene at the old New Gretna Hotel site is quite different.

Munchies Deli is now located on the old Bass River Hotel site. (March 6, 2007 photo by Pete Stemmer.)

Can you imagine Hoppie riding up to Munchies, today, tying up his horse on the newspaper vending machine, and going inside for a hoagie? I bet they don't even sell sarsaparilla. Ah, where has all the romance of the past gone?

Pete S


TRIVIA QUIZ: Can you name any other cowboy stars from the early 1950's television shows?

WIN A SPECIAL PRIZE! We've talked about Miss Margaret Adams here at the Blog. Figure out the relationship of Miss Margaret to Franklin and Mary Ann Adams, the old hotel proprietors, and win a Special Prize from the Blog. Must be 16 years of age or older to enter.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Tuckerton Wireless Comments - Bob Mathis

I got the following comments from Bob Mathis regarding our January 25th Tuckerton Wireless Blog entry a few days ago and some photos that I had loaned to Bob. His comments are worth reading as they're thoughtful, answer some questions, and raise other questions. He also provides some web links for those who would like to delve into the Tuckerton Wireless subject in more depth.

I have looking over the pictures from the Tuckerton Wireless you gave me.  It's very confusing so I went out on the internet and did some research.  The reason the pictures are confusing is that they are from various times without dates, and as I found out the wireless station went through numerous modernizations and changes.  Apparently, they kept all of them, and the pictures show them in various states of disrepair and cannibalization. (not all parts all there in some cases) 
The reason the 850' tower was insulated, is that it was part of the original antenna.  Which consisted of the main tower and nine or ten smaller 300 ft towers at about a distance of 1500 to 2000 feet from the main tower.  An umbrella of wire overhead, and a buried system of wire underneath the antenna.  Today it would be called a top loaded vertical with a counterpoise, I guess.  There were also, probably at each of the 300 ft towers, a huge tuning coil.  The original RF generator was a Goldschmidt Alternator, installed by the Germans.
When the Navy took over the station in 1917, they had trouble getting the Goldschmidt Alternator to work properly.  (according to the literature it was very difficult to tune and keep that way)  Some of the coils burned up and they held a court of inquiry to see anybody was responsible.  the conclusion was - no one was at fault.  (they probably suspected sabotage)   They replaced it with an Alexanderson alternator.  From the pictures, it looks like they eventually had more than one and different versions.  Another system installed, and maybe several different ones, was a Poulsen Arc transmitter.  This gave much more power output and higher frequencies.  Note:  The Poulsen Arc system required a huge powerful magnet.  I didn't see one in the pictures.  According to one of the references, some of these magnets ended up in the construction of cyclotrons when scientists started looking for atomic particles.  Maybe they went to Princeton ?  The next systems to be installed were probably several vacuum tube systems.   
All in all over the years, the RF generation systems and antenna systems under went  many changes and additions.  Makes it difficult to sort out what is part of what.
Tuckerton was a sister station to one built at Sayville on Long Island.  They worked together as a pair.  One would receive and the other transmit.  This is when the Germans first ran them.  Later when the Navy took them over, Tuckerton, Sayville, Belmar, New Brunswick and Chatham, Mass. were all tied together by land lines to each other and to Washington D.C.
When we declared war with Germany in 1917 it was taken over by the U.S. Military and the German operators were promptly arrested by the and sent to a prisoner of war camp in Virginia.  (Can you say, "GITMO")  :)
Following are some interesting references.  Some are a little technical.  Maybe it will give someone a place to start if they want to really dig into it.

Bob is correct when he says that the Tuckerton Wireless photos can be confusing, as they are not in a chronological order. Placing them in chronological order would be a worthwhile project. Anyone wishing to help out in such an endeavor is encouraged to email the Blog or stop by the Tuckerton Historical Society on a Wednesday. A helping hand or hands are definitely needed and would be appreciated. A knowledge of radio technology would be particularly helpful.

Here are a few more samples of photos in the Tuckerton Historical Societies Wireless collection.

I'm glad that's not me taking this photo. I get vertigo just looking at the photo. (Photo courtesy of Tuckerton Historical Society.)

Some of the equipment inside the Transmission Building. Probably from the RCA era. (Photo courtesy of Tuckerton Historical Society.)

Horse pulling concrete along a railway, in 1912, during the construction of the tower support blocks. It was quite an engineering feat. (Photo courtesy of Tuckerton Historical Society.)

A series of small towers can be seen surrounding the main central tower. (Photo courtesy of Tuckerton Historical Society.)

Additional Tuckerton Wireless photos may be seen at the  following web site . . .

Better yet, stop by the Tuckerton Historical Society some Wednesday from 10 AM to 4 PM and browse through the photo collection in person. Nothing beats a hands on experience.

Pete S

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Babe Ruth Visits at Parkertown

I've been a Yankee fan as long as I can remember, so it's no surprise that I believe that Babe Ruth was the greatest baseball player of all time. I shudder to think of how much money the Babe would be making today.

The Babe, portly by today's athletic standards, was the greatest baseball player of all time. (Photo from Google images.)

It has been said that Babe Ruth's heart was as big as his stomach. Here's a newspaper article about a visit the Babe made to Parkertown that proves the point. Seems the Bambino was great, both on and off the field.

Pete S

Tuckerrton Beacon - April 25, 1946

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy 89th, Myrtle !

We've mentioned the Wiseman family in a few Blog entries.

Remember the circa 1922 photo of the Wiseman family in front of the old Knights of Pythias Hall? Myrtle was the baby in her father's arms.

The Wiseman family, in 1922, in front of the old Knights of Pythias Hall on Rt. 9 in New Gretna. (l-r)- Renard, Ethel, Olive, and John holding baby Myrtle(Photo courtesy of Myrtle Wiseman Falkinburg.)

We, again, posted Myrtle's photo with her sister, Ethel, now 98, the oldest living person born in New Gretna.

Myrtle Wiseman Falkinburg (l) and her older sister, Ethel.
(Photo courtesy of Myrtle Wiseman Falkinburg.)

Well, she's back. This afternoon we celebrated Myrtle Wiseman Falkinburg's 89th birthday (She was born January 20, 1920.) at the New Gretna Post Office where Myrtle works part time as a cleaning lady. Wow, 89 years old and sharp as a tack! Seems Myrtle is enjoying the good genes she inherited from the Wiseman family. 

Post Mistress Michele presented Myrtle with a cake which was enjoyed by those lucky patrons who happened to be picking up their mail at the time of the festive occasion.

Myrtle blowing out the candles with the assistance of Post Mistress Michele. (January 27, 2009 photo by Pete Stemmer.)

"Now, let's see . . . How can I end up with the biggest piece?"
(January 27, 2009 photo by Pete Stemmer.)

Some lucky Post Office patrons enjoyed having cake with Myrtle.
(January 27, 2009 photo by Pete Stemmer.)

But no one enjoyed the cake more than Post Mistress Michele.
(January 27, 2009 photo by Pete Stemmer.)

Oh, and one thing you should know about Myrtle working at the Post Office .   .   . Don't sass her when she's holding a mop.

Pete S

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where Have All The Farmers Gone?

When Jackie and I first moved to new Gretna in the early 1970's, one of the first things that we noticed about the community is that many people had vegetable gardens. Not small, postage stamp gardens that you might see in some suburban yards, but large gardens that some might called a small farm. We were also surprised how neat and orderly most of these gardens were kept. Many had flowers, often gladiolas, planted among the vegetables that added patches of color, much like a French impressionist's painting. Two of these gardens particularly come to my mind - Bennie Allen and his brother, George. It was difficult to say which was more beautiful. Each was always painstakingly laid out, lovingly tended, and always meticulously manicured. This was generally reflective of how most of the old timers kept their houses and property which were obviously a matter of pride in their lives.

Bennie Allen tending his garden in a watercolor by local artist, Edith Clarke, reflects the beauty and pride that was a part of the old time New Gretna life style.

The 1900 United States Census for Bass River Township lists "farmer" or "farm laborer" as an occupation 58 times. This shows the significance of farming in the New Gretna culture and economy at the turn of the century.

The Jarvis Gerew farm out West Road was typical of the many farms in New Gretna in the early 1900's. (l-r) Helen Gerew Mathis holding her baby, Norman; James Mathis; and Jarvis Gerew, Helen's father. The farm house and large barn burned down years ago and were never rebuilt. (Photo courtesy of Norman and Ann Mathis.)

The 1898 tax bill for Jarvis Gerew's farm on West Road shows that the 28 acre farm was valued at $690 with a total of $13.56 in taxes due. (Document courtesy of Norman and Ann Mathis.) 

Today, there are no farms ,other than a horse farm here and there, and few vegetable gardens. New Gretna has become a bedroom community to Atlantic City rather than a town with it's own local economy and distinct character. ShopRite, Costcos, and other chain stores in neighboring towns have replaced our gardens and the bay in feeding our families. Somehow, I doubt that we are the better for it.

While looking at some old aerial maps of New Gretna the other day, I was struck by the large number of small farms and large gardens through the town. Today, many of these areas are now wooded or replaced with houses. The town is still clearly rural in character, but not with a farming base as in the past. We have become gentrified.

This 1925 aerial map of New Gretna shows a striking number of farmed areas throughout the town. Many of these farmed areas are not in existence today. Also, notice the absence of the Garden State Parkway and Viking Yachts' plant and marina. (1- Bass River Bridge; 2- Route 9; 3- East Greenbush Road; 4- West Greenbush Road; 5- North Maple Avenue; 6- West Road)

The following aerial map from Google Maps shows the New Gretna area in 2008. Notice the absence of open farm land. Tree growth had been dramatic and many of the roads have been hidden from view by the dense foliage

The absence of cleared land is striking in this 2008 aerial photo. Trees clearly dominate the landscape. Notice the addition of the Garden State Parkway and Viking Yachts' plant and marina. (1- Bass River Bridge; 2- Route 9; 3-East Greenbush Road; 4- West Greenbush Road; 5- North Maple Avenue; 6- West Road)

Many New Gretna residents in the early part of the 1900's subscribed to the Farm Journal magazine. The following list of subscribers in 1913 illustrates the prominence of farming or serious vegetable gardening in the community. All may not have owned farms, but farming was important enough in their lives to warrant a subscription to a farm oriented publication. The notations next to the subscriber's names provide valuable information for the genealogist and historian. Some of the names on the list have been mentioned in the Blog, and many will be familiar to those Blog readers with roots in New Gretna.

[ Transcribed by Peter H. Stemmer.]


ABBREVIATIONS —a. means acres; bds., boards; B. tel.. Bell telephone; 4 ch., 4 children; col.,colored; H&L, house and lot; H19, Highway or Road No. 19 (see map); 0, owns; R1, Rural Route No. 1; ret., retired; T, tenant; WOS, works on shares.

Names in CAPITALS are those of FARM JOURNAL subscribers—always the most intelligent and progressive people in this or any county. No Tumbledowns, for no farmer can keep on reading the F.J. and being a Tumbledown too. Many have tried, but all have to quit one or the other.

Adams, Anna (widow of Jas.) housekeeper bds New Gretna H35.

Adams, Blanchard New Gretna.

Adams, Ernest G. New Gretna.

ADAMS, HARRY (MARTHA) 4 ch janitor T H&L Wading River H24.

Adams, Hezzie (Mary) 6 ch driver 0 H&L New Gretna H37.

Adams, John T New Gretna.

Adams, Margaret C. (dau of Anna) school teacher 0 2a New Gretna H35.

Adams, Paul (Rachel) 1 ch engineer 0 H&L New Gretna H37.

Adams, Sam’l B. New Gretna.

Adams, Walter L. New Gretna.

Adams, Win. (Amanda) 1 ch bayman 0 9a New Gretna H37.

Allen, Caleb W. New Gretna.

Allen, Chester (Etta) 2 ch bayman T H&L New Gretna H30.

Allen, Chester S. New Gretna.

Allen, Edw. Sr. (Margaret) bayman 0 H&L New Gretna H37.

Allen, Edw. K. (Melinda) 4 ch bayman 0 la New Gretna H37.

Allen, Frank New Gretna.

Allen, Harry New Gretna.

Allen, Harry Jr. New Gretna.

Allen, Howard New Gretna.

Allen, John A. New Gretna.

Allen, Joseph F. New Gretna.

Allen, John L. New Gretna.

Allen, Musgrave E. New Gretna.

Allen, Ray New Grena.

Allen, Samuel (May) 5 ch farmer 0 10a New Gretna H37.

Allen, Samuel B. New Gretna.

Allen, Thomas A. Sr. New Gretna.

Allen, Thomas A. Jr. New Gretna.

Allen, Uriah J. New Gretna.

Allen, Winfield New Gretna.

Allen, Win. New Gretna.

Allen, Win. F. New Gretna.

ALLEN, W. J. (RIDA S.) farmer 0 3 1/2 a New Gretna H37.

Anderson, Samuel B. New Gretna.

Applegate, Harry (Mattie) farmer 0 Sa New Gretna H37.

Applegate, Katherine (widow of Henry J.) housekeeper bds New Gretna H37.

Bernight, Samuel New Gretna.

Berry, Lester J. New Gretna.

Berry, S. L. New Gretna.

Bishop, John S. (Minnie) 2 ch sawmjll 0 H&L New Gretna H24.

Blackiston, Wm. E. New Gretna.

Bozarth, Chas. Sr. Wading River.

Bozarth, Chas. R. (Sallie) 1 ch sawyer 0 H&L New Gretna H37.

Bozarth, Delvin New Gretna.

Bozarth, Howard New Gretna.

Bozarth, Howard Jr. New Gretna.

Bozarth, Malvin New Gretna.

Bozarth, Win. New Gretna.

Broome, Beni. H. (Lizzie) 1 ch carpenter T H&L New Gretna H37.

Bilderback, Rev. P. W. (Marette) pastor T H&L New Gretna H35.

Chew, Benj. New Gretna.

Coffee, Chas. Jr. Wading River.

Coffee, Chas. Jr. New Gretna.

Coffee, Chas. T. New Gretna.

Coffee, Geo. New Gretna.

Corliss, Hankinson Chatsworth.

Corliss, Hillard Chatsworth.

Corliss, Horace Chatsworth.

Corliss, John Chatsworth.

Countz, Marshal New Gretna.

Cramer, Arnold (Gertrude) 2 ch oyster bus 0 la B T New Gretna H35.

Cramer, Albert A. (Maggie E.) 2 ch laborer 0 H&5a New Gretna H37.

Cramer, Albert F. New Gretna.

Cramer, Benj. F. New Gretna.

Cramer, Chas. New Gretna.

Cramer, Caleb E. New Gretna.

Cramer, C. S. (Caroline) gen’l merchandise 0 3½a New Gretna H35.

CRAMER, CALEB S. (ALMA 5.) 1 ch nurse 0 lOa garden truck New Gretna H37.

Cramer, Doughty (Alberta) 1 ch bayman T H&L New Gretna H37.

Cramer, Daniel D. New Gretna.

Cramer, Earl (Viola) oyster business bds New Gretna H35.

Cramer, Geo. A. (Emma H.) 1 ch saw mill 0 2a New Gretna H37.

CRAMER, GEO. F. (WIDOWER) farm hand lives with son Norris Wading River H24.

Cramer, Harve (Mabel R.) 2 ch fisherman 0 New Gretna.

Cramer, Howard H. Wading River.

Cramer, Jefferson New Gretna.

Cramer, John F. New Gretna.

Cramer, John H. New Gretna.

Cramer, Jas. R. (Lottie R.) 1 ch grocery clerk 0 H&L New Gretna.

Cramer, Jessie S. New Gretna.

Cramer, John T. New Gretna.

Cramer, Lemuel (Leur Ann) farmer 0 52a New Gretna H30.

Cramer, Luell dressmaker 0 H&L New Gretna H37.

Cramer, Marke New Gretna.

Cramer, Milton A. New Gretna.

Cramer, Mary J. (widow of Caleb) 1 ch housekeeper 0 6a New Gretna H35.

Cramer, Norris (Elsie) 2 ch laborer 0 H&L Wading River H24.

Cramer, Renerd New Gretna.

Cramer, Samuel F. New Gretna.

Cramer, Thos. E. (Margaret M.) 5 ch life saving service 0 2a garden truck New Gretna H30.

Cramer, Uriah B. New Gretna.

Cramer, Wm. New Gretna.

Cramer, Wilson B. New Gretna.

Cramer, Wm. H. New Gretna.

Cramer, Jas. D. (Rachel R.) bayman 0 H&L New Gretna H37.

Cullen, Jas. fi. New Gretna.

Dalton, Wm. S. New Gretna.

Darby, Mrs. Sarah B. (widow of Jas. M.) 0 Ba New Gretna H37.

Dayton, Jas. New Gretna.

Dayton, Wm. S. New Gretna.

Downs, Austin (Flora) 4 ch life saver 0 3a New Gretna H31.

Downs, Levin New Gretna.

Downs, Win. New Gretna.

Driscoll, Lewis New Gretna.

Driscoll, Ralph New Gretna.

Driscoll, Stephen New Gretna.

FALKENBURG, JAS. T. ret bds New Gretna HB1.

FORD, DAVID E. (HELEN) 4 ch carpenter T H&L New Gretna H37.

Ford, Jess New Gretna.

Ford, Watson New Gretna.

French, Daniel M. New Gretna.

French, Hiram E. New Gretna.

French, Suwarrow (Ida E.) 1 ch poultry business 0 New Gretna.

Gale, Jas. A. (Deborah) oyster raising 0 ½ a New Gretna H35.

Gaskill, Alvin New Gretna.

Gaskill, Carlisle (Anna) 2 ch laborer 0 H&L New Gretna H30.

Gaskill, Jesse (Nellie) 1 ch bayman 0 H&L New Gretna H 87.

GASKILL, MORRIS (VERNA) bayman 0 H&L New Gretna HS1.

Gaskill, Thos. (Elizabeth) 1 ch bayinan 0 H&L New Gretna H37.

Geveu, Francis New Gretna.

Geveu, Garwis B. New Gretna.

Geveu, Joseph B. Wading River.

Goldecker, Chas. New Gretna.

Goldecker, Rob~t New Gretna.

Gray, John New Gretna.

Gray, Win. New Gretna.

Hadad, Isier New Gretna.

Hadad, Joseph L. New Gretna.

Hand, Rev. R. W. (Gertrude) 2 ch Presb minister New Gretna.

HEINTZ, HARRY M. (LIDA) 1 ch machinist 0 H&L New Gretna H31.

Hickman, Joseph (Lida) 8 ch fisherman 0 H&4a garden truck New Gretna.

Holeman, Jacksiah New Gretna.

Holeman, Lamel New Gretna.

Irons, Wallace Tuckerton.

Irons, Win. Tuckerton.

Johnson, Jessie E. New Gretna.

Jones, Mrs. Prudence (widow of Jas. C.) bds New Gretna.

Jones Win. New Gretna.

Kretschner, Ernest New Gretna.

Lamson, Ashton New Gretna.

Lamson, Claud New Gretna.

LAMSON, JOSEPH B. (EVA) life insurance 0 H&L New Gretna H37.

Larson, Adam New Gretna.

Leeds, Joseph R. New Gretna.

LEEK, CHAS. D. (ANNA M.) laborer 0 H&L New Gretna H30.

LEEK, CHAS. -E. (LUCRETIA) 9 ch farmer 0 70a Wading River H 24.

Leek, Florence (dau of Chin. D.) bds New Gretna H30.

Leek, Laura A. (dau of Lavina) postmistress bds New Gretna H35.

Leek, Mary S. (dau of Lavina) dressmaker bds New Gretna H35.

Leek, Win. New Gretna.

Leek, Win. T. New Gretna.

Le Munion, Daniel New Gretna.

Lemuyon, Daniel (Leona) laborer 0 H&L New Gretna H87.

Loveland, Alfred T. (Irene) 1 ch carpenter T 2a garden truck New Gretna H30.

Loveland, Chas. B. New Gretna.

Loveland, Chas. W. New Gretna.

Loveland, Isaac L. New Gretna.

Loveland, Joseph A. (Anna) 2 ch bayman 0 10a New Gretna H27.

LOVELAND, JESSE I. (ELVIRA C.) oyster dealer 0 H&L New Gretna H31.

Loveland, John R. (Mary) 3 ch Prudential insurance 0 H&L New Gretna H30.

Loveland, Lewis (Lear Ann) 2 ch farmer 0 Sa New Gretna H30.

LOVELAND, L. RUSSELL (EDITH) 8 ch life guard T H&L New Gretna H87.

Loveland, Lamul F. New Gretna.

Loveland, M. A. ret 0 24a New. Gretna H35.

Loveland, Mrs. Mary E. (widow of Win. T.) T New Gretna.

Loveland, Win. B. (Abbie) bayman 0 3a New Gretna H27.

Lowenstine, Paul New Gretna.

McAnny, Elvin C. (Della) 3 ch laborer 0 H&L New Gretna H 30.

McAnny, Jas. (Irene) 3 ch bayman T H&L New Gretna HSO.

McAnny, Alvin New Gretna.

McAnny, Helen (widow of Jas.) lives with dau New Gretna H30

McAnny, Jas. New Gretna.

McAnny, John New Gretna.

McCambridge, Chor New Gretna.

McKindiarr, Rich’d New Gretna.

McNeil, Joseph (Rose) 5 ch pilot 0 26a New Gretna H27.

Mathis, Aaron New Gretna.

Mathis, Aaron Sr. New Gretna.

Mathis, Alvin New Gretna.

Mathis, Asbury New Gretna.

MATHIS, A. B. (SARAH B.) gen’l store 0 H&store New Gretna.

Mathis. Amase B. New Gretna.

Mathis, Benj. C. New Gretna.

Mathis, Caleb (Ella) oyster business 0 H&L New Gretna H37.

Mathis, Clarence G. New Gretna.

Mathis, Caleb J. ret 0 H&L New Gretna.

Mathis, Dewitt C. New Gretna.

Mathis, David E. New Gretna.

Mathis, D. E. Jr. New Gretna.

Mathis, Eli New Gretna.

Mathis, Eugene (Estella) 2 ch clerk T H&L New Gretna H37.

Mathis, Howard New Gretna.

Mathis, Harry C. New Gretna.

Mathis, Harry V. New Gretna.

Mathis, Joshua New Gretna.

MATHIS, JOSEPH B. (CARRIE) 1 ch poultry raiser 0 6a New Gretna H37.

Mathis, John H. New Gretna.

Mathis, John K. (Cora) 3 ch life saving station 0 H&L New Gretna H35.

Mathis, Jas. R. fisherman 0 H&L New Gretna.

Mathis, Leroy New Gretna.

MATHIS, LOUIS A. (HETTIE) 4 ch farmer 0 la New Gretna H35.

Mathis, Lewis L. Jr. New Gretna.

Mathis, Marvin (Ida) 1 ch bayman T H&L New Gretna.

MATHIS, MARY cigars and candy bds New Gretna.

Mathis, Merrell New Gretna.

Mathis, Pitman E. New Gretna.

Mathis, Richard New Gretna.

Mathis, Rollin A. New Gretna.

Mathis, Rollin A. Jr. New Gretna.

MATHIS, ROY (ETHEL) 4 ch bayman 0 H&L New Gretna H37.

Mathis, Samuel G. New Gretna.

Mathis, Samuel H. New Gretna.

Mathis, Thos. S. New Gretna.

Mathis, Win. H. New Gretna.

Matthews, Sarah A. (widow of Caleb) O H&L New Gretna H27.

Maxwell, Geo. B. New Gretna.

Maxwell, Joseph R. New Gretna.

Maxwell, Rob’t (Margaret) 1 ch life saving station 0 la New Gretna 1127.

Mick, Mike New Gretna.

Mick, Thos. New Gretna.

Morey, Samuel New Gretna.

Mount, Walter New Gretna.

Parker, Josiah H. New Gretna.

Pendleton, Chas. J. New Gretna.

Pendleton, C. J. Jr. New Gretna.

Prince, Albert New Gretna.

Prince, Chas. New Gretna.

Prince, Fred New Gretna.

Prince, Howard Wading River.

Prince, Jas. New Gretna.

Prince, John New Gretna.

ROBBIN, CHAS. (EMMA) 3 ch bayman 0 4a New Gretna H27.

Robbins, Lorenzo D. (Elizabeth) 2 ch oysterman 0 H&L New Gretna H37.

Sapp, Edw. New Gretna.

Sears, Chalkley C. New Gretna.

Sears, Harry G. (Sophia) 2 ch carpenter 0 H&L New Gretna H30.

Sears, Mrs. Mary (widow of Elia) 0 7a garden truck ~ew Gretna H30.

Sears, Norris (Ethel) 2 ch bayman T 3a New Gretna H35.

Sears, Ward W. (son of Mrs. Mary) carpenter bds New Gretna H30.

Sherman, Josiah (Lillian) 1 ch ret 0 9a garden truck New Gretna H28.

Sherman, Thos. New Gretna.

Sherman, Thos. C. New Gretna.

Sheckelton, Stephen E. New Gretna.

SOOY, DANIEL T. (WIDOWER) 2 ch hotel 0 B T New Gretna.

Sooy, Job Wading River.

Sooy, Samuel L. New Gretna.

Sooy, Thos. C. New Gretna.

Souders, Rob’t (Miriam) ret seaman 0 H&L B T New Gretna H37.

Stackhouse, Chas. New Gretna.

VALIANT, GEO. (BELLA) fisherman 0 4a B T New Gretna.

Watson, Thos. New Gretna.

Williams, Annie (widow of Win.) 0 H&L New Gretna H24.

Williams, Chas. New Gretna.

Williams, Grove New Gretna.

Williams, Win. New Gretna.

Wiseman, John A. New Gretna.

Wiseman, Joshua W. New Gretna.

So, where have all the farmers gone? They're resting on the hill.

Pete S